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Айнбек — місто в Німеччині, розташоване в землі Нижня Саксонія. Входить до складу району Нортгайм.

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Файл wikipedia-Coat of arms of Einbeck.svg
Файл wikipedia-Coat of arms of Einbeck.svg
View Файл wikipedia-Coat of arms of Einbeck.svg
Population registry, Amsterdam, archive 5000, inventory 2536, part 3, sheet 192
Population registry, Amsterdam, archive 5000, inventory 2536, part 3, sheet 192
View Population registry, Amsterdam, archive 5000, inventory 2536, part 3, sheet 192
Extract of the baptism record for Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Blickwedel, Der Parochie St. Jacobi,  Einbeck, 1883-02-07
Extract of the baptism record for Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Blickwedel, Der Parochie St. Jacobi, Einbeck, 1883-02-07
View Extract of the baptism record for Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Blickwedel, Der Parochie St. Jacobi, Einbeck, 1883-02-07
Dutch translation of the extract of the baptism record for Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Blickwedel, Amsterdam, 1883-03-09, page 1
Dutch translation of the extract of the baptism record for Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Blickwedel, Amsterdam, 1883-03-09, page 1
View Dutch translation of the extract of the baptism record for Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Blickwedel, Amsterdam, 1883-03-09, page 1
Dutch translation of the extract of the baptism record for Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Blickwedel, Amsterdam, 1883-03-09, page 2
Dutch translation of the extract of the baptism record for Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Blickwedel, Amsterdam, 1883-03-09, page 2
View Dutch translation of the extract of the baptism record for Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Blickwedel, Amsterdam, 1883-03-09, page 2
Declaration regarding the national militia for Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Blickwedel, Haarlem, 1883-03-15
Declaration regarding the national militia for Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Blickwedel, Haarlem, 1883-03-15
View Declaration regarding the national militia for Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Blickwedel, Haarlem, 1883-03-15


  1. Gemeente Amsterdam. "Bevolkingsregister Amsterdam". Amsterdam, Population registry, Amsterdam, archive 5000, inventory 2536, part 3, sheet 192.
  2. Gemeente Nieuwer-Amstel. "Burgerlijke Stand Nieuwer-Amstel". Nieuwer-Amstel, Extract of the baptism record for Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Blickwedel, Der Parochie St. Jacobi, Einbeck, 1883-02-07.
  3. Gemeente Nieuwer-Amstel. "Burgerlijke Stand Nieuwer-Amstel". Nieuwer-Amstel, Declaration regarding the national militia for Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Blickwedel, Haarlem, 1883-03-15.

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Сімейна історія, яку розповіла Betty👵