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Роттерда́м — друге найбільше місто у Нідерландах після Амстердама, у якому розташований найбільший порт у Європі. За даними перепису 2018 року, населення міста становить 641 356 жителів. Місто розташоване у провінції Південна Голландія. Муніципалітет займає площу 304,22 км². Сучасний Роттердам відомий своїми хмарочосами — вони численні, але не виділяються особливою висотою.

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Файл wikipedia-A view of Rotterdam, taken from the roof of the Maassilo, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.jpg
Файл wikipedia-A view of Rotterdam, taken from the roof of the Maassilo, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.jpg
View Файл wikipedia-A view of Rotterdam, taken from the roof of the Maassilo, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.jpg
Civil registry of marriages, Amsterdam, 1891, record 2712
Civil registry of marriages, Amsterdam, 1891, record 2712
View Civil registry of marriages, Amsterdam, 1891, record 2712
Civil registry of births, Rechtbank Rotterdam, 1904, records 8174-8180 (even)
Civil registry of births, Rechtbank Rotterdam, 1904, records 8174-8180 (even)
View Civil registry of births, Rechtbank Rotterdam, 1904, records 8174-8180 (even)
Grave of Harm Feenstra & Geertje Zijda
Grave of Harm Feenstra & Geertje Zijda
View Grave of Harm Feenstra & Geertje Zijda
Civil registry, Rechtbank Rotterdam, 1927, records 2060-2070 (even)
Civil registry, Rechtbank Rotterdam, 1927, records 2060-2070 (even)
View Civil registry, Rechtbank Rotterdam, 1927, records 2060-2070 (even)
Civil registry of deaths, Zierikzee, 1908, records 110-113
Civil registry of deaths, Zierikzee, 1908, records 110-113
View Civil registry of deaths, Zierikzee, 1908, records 110-113
Civil registry, Leeuwarden, 1904-1922, sheet 120
Civil registry, Leeuwarden, 1904-1922, sheet 120
View Civil registry, Leeuwarden, 1904-1922, sheet 120
Civil registry of marriages, Oosterhesselen, 1906, record 12
Civil registry of marriages, Oosterhesselen, 1906, record 12
View Civil registry of marriages, Oosterhesselen, 1906, record 12
Civil registry of deaths, Zaandijk, 1900, records 27-28
Civil registry of deaths, Zaandijk, 1900, records 27-28
View Civil registry of deaths, Zaandijk, 1900, records 27-28
Civil registry, Leeuwarden, 1876-1904, sheet 180 (left, with police profile of Jacob Elfring)
Civil registry, Leeuwarden, 1876-1904, sheet 180 (left, with police profile of Jacob Elfring)
View Civil registry, Leeuwarden, 1876-1904, sheet 180 (left, with police profile of Jacob Elfring)
Civil registry, Leeuwarden, 1876-1904, sheet 180 (left, with note about Jacob Elfring)
Civil registry, Leeuwarden, 1876-1904, sheet 180 (left, with note about Jacob Elfring)
View Civil registry, Leeuwarden, 1876-1904, sheet 180 (left, with note about Jacob Elfring)
Civil registry, Leeuwarden, 1876-1904, sheet 180 (right)
Civil registry, Leeuwarden, 1876-1904, sheet 180 (right)
View Civil registry, Leeuwarden, 1876-1904, sheet 180 (right)
Civil registry of births, Rechtbank Rotterdam, 1903, records 4626-4632 (even)
Civil registry of births, Rechtbank Rotterdam, 1903, records 4626-4632 (even)
View Civil registry of births, Rechtbank Rotterdam, 1903, records 4626-4632 (even)
Civil registry of births, Rechtbank Rotterdam, 1907, records 102-108 (even)
Civil registry of births, Rechtbank Rotterdam, 1907, records 102-108 (even)
View Civil registry of births, Rechtbank Rotterdam, 1907, records 102-108 (even)
Civil registry of births, Rechtbank Rotterdam, 1908, records 6109-6115 (odd)
Civil registry of births, Rechtbank Rotterdam, 1908, records 6109-6115 (odd)
View Civil registry of births, Rechtbank Rotterdam, 1908, records 6109-6115 (odd)
Extract of the marriage record for Johannes Snijders & Adriana Huberdina Kamhoot, civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1902-09-17
Extract of the marriage record for Johannes Snijders & Adriana Huberdina Kamhoot, civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1902-09-17
View Extract of the marriage record for Johannes Snijders & Adriana Huberdina Kamhoot, civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1902-09-17
Extract of the marriage record for Leendert Kamhoot & Neeltje Hollebrands, civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1905-05-11
Extract of the marriage record for Leendert Kamhoot & Neeltje Hollebrands, civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1905-05-11
View Extract of the marriage record for Leendert Kamhoot & Neeltje Hollebrands, civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1905-05-11
Extract of the marriage record for Jan Cornelis Kamhoot & Johanna Francisca Veerman, civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1906-03-07
Extract of the marriage record for Jan Cornelis Kamhoot & Johanna Francisca Veerman, civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1906-03-07
View Extract of the marriage record for Jan Cornelis Kamhoot & Johanna Francisca Veerman, civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1906-03-07
Extract of the marriage record for Nijs den Ouden & Catharina Kamhoot, civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1907-01-03, page 1
Extract of the marriage record for Nijs den Ouden & Catharina Kamhoot, civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1907-01-03, page 1
View Extract of the marriage record for Nijs den Ouden & Catharina Kamhoot, civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1907-01-03, page 1
Extract of the marriage record for Nijs den Ouden & Catharina Kamhoot, civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1907-01-03, page 2
Extract of the marriage record for Nijs den Ouden & Catharina Kamhoot, civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1907-01-03, page 2
View Extract of the marriage record for Nijs den Ouden & Catharina Kamhoot, civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1907-01-03, page 2
Extract of the marriage record for Bastiaan Kamhoot & Elizabeth Johanna van der Hoff, civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1907-03-20
Extract of the marriage record for Bastiaan Kamhoot & Elizabeth Johanna van der Hoff, civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1907-03-20
View Extract of the marriage record for Bastiaan Kamhoot & Elizabeth Johanna van der Hoff, civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1907-03-20
Extract of the marriage record for Dirk Spek & Elizabeth Lena Josina Kamhoot, civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1914-04-29
Extract of the marriage record for Dirk Spek & Elizabeth Lena Josina Kamhoot, civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1914-04-29
View Extract of the marriage record for Dirk Spek & Elizabeth Lena Josina Kamhoot, civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1914-04-29
Extract of the death record for Willem Marinus Kamhoot, civil registry of deaths, Rotterdam, 1930-09-14
Extract of the death record for Willem Marinus Kamhoot, civil registry of deaths, Rotterdam, 1930-09-14
View Extract of the death record for Willem Marinus Kamhoot, civil registry of deaths, Rotterdam, 1930-09-14
Extract of the death record for Elizabeth Josina van Dijk, civil registry of deaths, Rotterdam, 1935-02-05
Extract of the death record for Elizabeth Josina van Dijk, civil registry of deaths, Rotterdam, 1935-02-05
View Extract of the death record for Elizabeth Josina van Dijk, civil registry of deaths, Rotterdam, 1935-02-05
Extract of the death record for Adriana Huberdina Kamhoot, civil registry of deaths, Rotterdam, 1954-08-30
Extract of the death record for Adriana Huberdina Kamhoot, civil registry of deaths, Rotterdam, 1954-08-30
View Extract of the death record for Adriana Huberdina Kamhoot, civil registry of deaths, Rotterdam, 1954-08-30
Civil registry of deaths, Rotterdam, 1962, records 191-194
Civil registry of deaths, Rotterdam, 1962, records 191-194
View Civil registry of deaths, Rotterdam, 1962, records 191-194
Population registry, Tholen, 1875-1898, sheet 216
Population registry, Tholen, 1875-1898, sheet 216
View Population registry, Tholen, 1875-1898, sheet 216
Civil registry of births, Rotterdam, 1907, records 3085-3091 (odd)
Civil registry of births, Rotterdam, 1907, records 3085-3091 (odd)
View Civil registry of births, Rotterdam, 1907, records 3085-3091 (odd)
Civil registry of births, Rotterdam, 1909, records 1805-1811 (odd)
Civil registry of births, Rotterdam, 1909, records 1805-1811 (odd)
View Civil registry of births, Rotterdam, 1909, records 1805-1811 (odd)
Civil registry of births, Rotterdam, 1915, records 12902-12908 (even)
Civil registry of births, Rotterdam, 1915, records 12902-12908 (even)
View Civil registry of births, Rotterdam, 1915, records 12902-12908 (even)
Civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1932, records 948-950 (even)
Civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1932, records 948-950 (even)
View Civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1932, records 948-950 (even)
Civil registry of deaths, Rotterdam, 1941, records 2240-2250 (even)
Civil registry of deaths, Rotterdam, 1941, records 2240-2250 (even)
View Civil registry of deaths, Rotterdam, 1941, records 2240-2250 (even)
Civil registry of births, Rechtbank Rotterdam, 1912, records 6502-6508
Civil registry of births, Rechtbank Rotterdam, 1912, records 6502-6508
View Civil registry of births, Rechtbank Rotterdam, 1912, records 6502-6508
Extract of the death record for n.n. Kamhoot, civil registry of deaths, Rotterdam, 1906-03-05
Extract of the death record for n.n. Kamhoot, civil registry of deaths, Rotterdam, 1906-03-05
View Extract of the death record for n.n. Kamhoot, civil registry of deaths, Rotterdam, 1906-03-05
Civil registry, Ilpendam, 1850-1923, part 32, sheet 35
Civil registry, Ilpendam, 1850-1923, part 32, sheet 35
View Civil registry, Ilpendam, 1850-1923, part 32, sheet 35
Civil registry of deaths, Utrecht, 1915, records 78-80
Civil registry of deaths, Utrecht, 1915, records 78-80
View Civil registry of deaths, Utrecht, 1915, records 78-80
Extract of the death record for Albert Varenbrink, Rotterdam, 1915-01-02
Extract of the death record for Albert Varenbrink, Rotterdam, 1915-01-02
View Extract of the death record for Albert Varenbrink, Rotterdam, 1915-01-02
Civil registry of marriages, Vlissingen, 1835, records 12-13
Civil registry of marriages, Vlissingen, 1835, records 12-13
View Civil registry of marriages, Vlissingen, 1835, records 12-13
Civil registry of marriages, Vlissingen, 1835, records 13-14
Civil registry of marriages, Vlissingen, 1835, records 13-14
View Civil registry of marriages, Vlissingen, 1835, records 13-14
Civil registry of deaths, Rotterdam, 1956, records 791-794
Civil registry of deaths, Rotterdam, 1956, records 791-794
View Civil registry of deaths, Rotterdam, 1956, records 791-794
Population registry, Rotterdam, 1880-1940, family cards, archive 494-03, inventory 851-361, left page
Population registry, Rotterdam, 1880-1940, family cards, archive 494-03, inventory 851-361, left page
View Population registry, Rotterdam, 1880-1940, family cards, archive 494-03, inventory 851-361, left page
Population registry, Rotterdam, 1880-1940, family cards, archive 494-03, inventory 851-361, right page
Population registry, Rotterdam, 1880-1940, family cards, archive 494-03, inventory 851-361, right page
View Population registry, Rotterdam, 1880-1940, family cards, archive 494-03, inventory 851-361, right page
Population registry, Breda, 1900-1920, part 05, sheet 161
Population registry, Breda, 1900-1920, part 05, sheet 161
View Population registry, Breda, 1900-1920, part 05, sheet 161
Civil registry of marriages, Utrecht, 1906, record 361
Civil registry of marriages, Utrecht, 1906, record 361
View Civil registry of marriages, Utrecht, 1906, record 361
Civil registry of marriages, Katwijk, 1874, record 21
Civil registry of marriages, Katwijk, 1874, record 21
View Civil registry of marriages, Katwijk, 1874, record 21


  1. Gemeente Vlissingen. "Burgerlijke Stand Vlissingen". Vlissingen, Marriage record for Frederik Mast & Pieternella Lankester, civil registry of marriages, Vlissingen, 1835-03-25, record 13.
  2. Gemeente Katwijk. "Burgerlijke Stand Katwijk". Marriage record for Cornelis van Beelen and Jansje den Heijer, Civil registry of marriages, Katwijk, 1874, record 21.
  3. Gemeente Rotterdam. "Burgerlijke Stand Rotterdam". Rotterdam, Extract of the marriage record for Bastiaan Kamhoot & Elizabeth Johanna van der Hoff, civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1907-03-20. Доступ 8 лютого 2020 року.
  4. Gemeente Oosterhesselen. "Burgerlijke Stand Oosterhesselen". Oosterhesselen, Marriage record for Folkert Feenstra & Pietertje Veen, civil registry of marriages, Oosterhesselen, 1906-06-15, record 12.
  5. Gemeente Rotterdam. "Burgerlijke Stand Rotterdam". Rotterdam, Extract of the marriage record for Dirk Spek & Elizabeth Lena Josina Kamhoot, civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1914-04-29. Доступ 8 лютого 2020 року.
  6. Gemeente Amsterdam. "Burgerlijke Stand Amsterdam". Amsterdam, Marriage record for Klaas de Boer & Aaltje Eikelboom, civil registry of marriages, Amsterdam, 1891-11-12, record 2712.
  7. Gemeente Leeuwarden. "Bevolkingsregister Leeuwarden". Civil registry, Leeuwarden, 1876-1904, sheet 180.
  8. Gemeente Rotterdam. "Bevolkingsregister Rotterdam". Rotterdam, Population registry, Rotterdam, 1880-1940, family cards, archive 494-03, inventory 851-361.
  9. Rechtbank Rotterdam. "Civil registry Rechtbank Rotterdam". Rotterdam, Birth record for Trijntje Feenstra, civil registry of births, Rechtbank Rotterdam, 1903, record 4632.
  10. Gemeente Tholen. "Bevolkingsregister Tholen". Tholen, Population registry, Tholen, 1875-1898, sheet 216.
  11. Gemeente Rotterdam. "Burgerlijke Stand Rotterdam". Rotterdam, Birth record for Willem Marinus Kamhoot, civil registry of births, Rotterdam, 1907-03-22, record 3091.
  12. Gemeente Rotterdam. "Burgerlijke Stand Rotterdam". Rotterdam, Birth record for Johanna Paulina Kamhoot, civil registry of births, Rotterdam, 1909-02-19, record 1805.
  13. Gemeente Rotterdam. "Burgerlijke Stand Rotterdam". Rotterdam, Birth record for Leendert Kamhoot, civil registry of births, Rotterdam, 1915-12-27, record 12908.
  14. Gemeente Rotterdam. "Burgerlijke Stand Rotterdam". Rotterdam, Marriage record for Jacob Willem Grandia & Johanna Paulina Kamhoot, civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1932-03-31, record 950.
  15. Gemeente Rotterdam. "Burgerlijke Stand Rotterdam". Rotterdam, Death record for Leendert Kamhoot, civil registry of deaths, Rotterdam, 1941-04-26, record 2240.
  16. Rechtbank Rotterdam. "Civil registry Rechtbank Rotterdam". Rotterdam, Birth record for Grietje Cornelia den Ouden, civil registry of births, Rechtbank Rotterdam, 1912-07-01, record 6506.
  17. Gemeente Rotterdam. "Burgerlijke Stand Rotterdam". Rotterdam, Extract from the marriage record for Johannes Snijders & Adriana Huberdina Kamhoot, civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1902-09-17. Доступ 8 лютого 2020 року.
  18. Rechtbank Rotterdam. "Civil registry Rechtbank Rotterdam". Rotterdam, Civil registry of births, Rechtbank Rotterdam, 1904-08-18, record 8176.
  19. "Grave of Harm Feenstra & Geertje Zijda". Zaandam, Grave of Harm Feenstra & Geertje Zijda.
  20. Rechtbank Rotterdam. "Civil registry Rechtbank Rotterdam". Rotterdam, Extract of the marriage record for Leendert Kamhoot & Neeltje Hollebrands, civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1905-05-11. Доступ 8 лютого 2020 року.
  21. Gemeente Rotterdam. "Burgerlijke Stand Rotterdam". Rotterdam, Extract of the death record for n.n. Kamhoot, civil registry of deaths, Rotterdam, 1906-03-05. Доступ 9 лютого 2020 року.
  22. Gemeente Rotterdam. "Burgerlijke Stand Rotterdam". Rotterdam, Extract of the marriage record for Jan Cornelis Kamhoot & Johanna Francisca Veerman, Rotterdam, 1906-03-07. Доступ 8 лютого 2020 року.
  23. Gemeente Zierikzee. "Burgerlijke Stand Zierikzee". Zierikzee, Death record for Folkert Feenstra, civil registry of deaths, Zierikzee, 1908, record 110.
  24. Gemeente Leeuwarden. "Bevolkingsregister Leeuwarden". Civil registry, Leeuwarden, 1904-1922, sheet 120.
  25. Gemeente Utrecht. "Burgerlijke Stand Utrecht". Utrecht, Marriage record for Gerrit van de Leur and Henriette Dorothea Louise Blickwedel, Utrecht, 1906-06-20, record 361.
  26. Rechtbank Rotterdam. "Civil registry Rechtbank Rotterdam". Rotterdam, Birth record for Grietje Feenstra, civil registry of births, Rechtbank Rotterdam, 1907-01-03, record 102.
  27. Gemeente Rotterdam. "Burgerlijke Stand Rotterdam". Rotterdam, Extract of the marriage record for Nijs den Ouden & Catharina Kamhoot, civil registry of marriages, Rotterdam, 1907-01-03. Доступ 8 лютого 2020 року.
  28. Rechtbank Rotterdam. "Civil registry Rechtbank Rotterdam". Rotterdam, Birth record for Boukje Feenstra, civil registry of births, Rechtbank Rotterdam, 1908-06-03, record 6109.
  29. Gemeente Breda. "Bevolkingsregister Breda". Breda, Population registry, Breda, 1900-1920, part 05, sheet 161.
  30. Gemeente Ilpendam. "Bevolkingsregister Ilpendam". Ilpendam, Civil registry, Ilpendam, 1850-1923, part 32, sheet 35.
  31. Gemeente Utrecht. "Burgerlijke Stand Utrecht". Utrecht, Death record for Albert Varenbrink, civil registry of deaths, Utrecht, 1915-01-12, record 79.
  32. Gemeente Rotterdam. "Burgerlijke Stand Rotterdam". Rotterdam, Extract of the death record for Albert Varenbrink, Rotterdam, 1915-01-02. Доступ 12 лютого 2020 року.
  33. Rechtbank Rotterdam. "Civil registry Rechtbank Rotterdam". Rotterdam, Birth record for Albert Varenbrink, civil registry of births, Rechtbank Rotterdam, 1915-11-10, record 11384.
  34. Rechtbank Rotterdam. "Civil registry Rechtbank Rotterdam". Rotterdam, Death record for Jan Feenstra, civil registry, Rechtbank Rotterdam, 1927-04-25, record 2064.
  35. Gemeente Rotterdam. "Burgerlijke Stand Rotterdam". Rotterdam, Extract of the death record for Willem Marinus Kamhoot, civil registry of deaths, Rotterdam, 1930-09-14. Доступ 8 лютого 2020 року.
  36. Gemeente Rotterdam. "Burgerlijke Stand Rotterdam". Rotterdam, Extract of the death record for Elizabeth Josina van Dijk, civil registry of deaths, Rotterdam, 1935-02-05. Доступ 8 лютого 2020 року.
  37. Gemeente Rotterdam. "Burgerlijke Stand Rotterdam". Rotterdam, Extract of the death record for Adriana Huberdina Kamhoot, civil registry of deaths, Rotterdam, 1954-08-30. Доступ 8 лютого 2020 року.
  38. Gemeente Rotterdam. "Burgerlijke Stand Rotterdam". Rotterdam, Death record for Nijs den Ouden, civil registry of deaths, Rotterdam,1956-03-28, record 793.
  39. Gemeente Rotterdam. "Burgerlijke Stand Rotterdam". Rotterdam, Death record for Catharina Kamhoot, civil registry of deaths, Rotterdam, 1962-01-17, record 192.
  40. Gemeente Rotterdam. "Burgerlijke Stand Rotterdam". Rotterdam. приватні

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