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Bastiaan Kamhoot


десь між 30 квітня 1825 року та 16 серпня 1825 року [1] [2]
десь після 29 квітня 1875 року [1]


Civil registry of marriages, Tholen, 1875, records 9-11
Civil registry of marriages, Tholen, 1875, records 9-11
View Civil registry of marriages, Tholen, 1875, records 9-11
Civil registry of births, Tholen, 1882, records 58-61
Civil registry of births, Tholen, 1882, records 58-61
View Civil registry of births, Tholen, 1882, records 58-61
Population registry, Tholen, 1875-1898, sheet 216
Population registry, Tholen, 1875-1898, sheet 216
View Population registry, Tholen, 1875-1898, sheet 216


  1. Gemeente Tholen. "Burgerlijke stand Tholen". Tholen, Marriage record for Willem Marinus Kamhoot & Elizabeth Josina van Dijk, civil registry of marriages, Tholen, 1875-04-29, record 10.
  2. Gemeente Tholen. "Burgerlijke stand Tholen". Tholen, Birth record for Bastiaan Kamhoot, civil registry of births, Tholen, 1882-08-16, record 60.
  3. Gemeente Tholen. "Bevolkingsregister Tholen". Tholen, Population registry, Tholen, 1875-1898, sheet 216.

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