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Проживання Marijnus Huijbregts

приблизно з 20 березня 1897 року приблизно до 27 серпня 1928 року в Breda [1] [2] [3]


Civil registry of deaths, Breda, 1897, records 137-138
Civil registry of deaths, Breda, 1897, records 137-138
View Civil registry of deaths, Breda, 1897, records 137-138
Civil registry of births, Breda, 1902, records 37-38
Civil registry of births, Breda, 1902, records 37-38
View Civil registry of births, Breda, 1902, records 37-38
Civil registry of marriages, Breda, 1928, record 204
Civil registry of marriages, Breda, 1928, record 204
View Civil registry of marriages, Breda, 1928, record 204


  1. Gemeente Breda. "Burgerlijke Stand Breda". Breda, Death record for Adrianus Huijbregts, civil registry of deaths, Breda, 1897-03-20, record 137.
  2. Gemeente Breda. "Burgerlijke Stand Breda". Breda, Birth record for Gustaaf Sebastianus Huijbregts, civil registry of births, Breda, 1902-01-18, record 37.
  3. Gemeente Breda. "Burgerlijke Stand Breda". Breda, Marriage record for Gustaaf Sebastianus Huijbregts & Johanna Engelina Zodenkamp, civil registry of marriages, Breda, 1928-08-27, record 204.
  4. Gemeente Breda. "Burgerlijke Stand Breda". Breda, Birth record for Marijnus Huijbregts, civil registry of births, Breda, 1864-02-15, record 74.
  5. Gemeente Breda. "Bevolkingsregister Breda". Breda, Population registry, Breda, 1900-1920, part 05, sheet 161.
  6. Gemeente Breda. "Bevolkingsregister Breda". Breda, Population register, Breda, 1870-1879, part 10, sheet 199.

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