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Народження Gustaaf Sebastianus Huijbregts

18 січня 1902 року в Breda [1] [2]


Civil registry of births, Breda, 1902, records 37-38
Civil registry of births, Breda, 1902, records 37-38
View Civil registry of births, Breda, 1902, records 37-38
Population registry, Breda, 1900-1920, part 05, sheet 161
Population registry, Breda, 1900-1920, part 05, sheet 161
View Population registry, Breda, 1900-1920, part 05, sheet 161


  1. Gemeente Breda. "Burgerlijke Stand Breda". Breda, Birth record for Gustaaf Sebastianus Huijbregts, civil registry of births, Breda, 1902-01-18, record 37.
  2. Gemeente Breda. "Bevolkingsregister Breda". Breda, Population registry, Breda, 1900-1920, part 05, sheet 161.
  3. Gemeente Breda. "Burgerlijke Stand Breda". Breda, Marriage record for Gustaaf Sebastianus Huijbregts & Johanna Engelina Zodenkamp, civil registry of marriages, Breda, 1928-08-27, record 204.

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