Eduard Grunwald
PlacesPermanent link to this section.
AboutPermanent link to this section.
FamilyPermanent link to this section.
They are the child of Eduard Grunwald, Hermina Franciska Elisabeth Henriette Sodenkamp. They grew up with 2 siblings.
Ancestral names include Grunwald, Sodenkamp.
TimelinePermanent link to this section.
- Birth
- Birth of Mathilda Grunwald
- Death of Eduard Grunwald
- Occupation (Spoorwegambtenaar)
- Residence
- Marriage of Albert Varenbrink, Mathilda Grunwald
- Death of Hermina Franciska Elisabeth Henriette Sodenkamp
- Death
MediaPermanent link to this section.
ReferencesPermanent link to this section.
- Burgerlijke Stand NijmegenNijmegen Marriage record for Albert Varenbrink & Mathilda Grunwald, civil registry of marriages, Nijmegen, 1896-03-27, record 38
- Bevolkingsregister NijmegenNijmegen Population registry, Nijmegen, 1900-1910, wijk C, part 10, sheet 148
- Burgerlijke Stand SoestSoest Death record for Mathilda Grunwald, civil registry of deaths, Soest, 1936-05-14, record 83